Ahhhh! That's much better. I do my best thinking while soaking in a warm sudsy perfumed bath.

And so here is the skinny...

It is a matter of irony that the word "irony" is
a word that by its very function cannot be precisely

Have you ever wondered why "What is irony?" is one of
the most re-asked questions to people like me?

Well, the reason is simple - languages (that is, we) have a lingual need for a loose term that refers to the absurd relationships and oddly coincidental events that seem to happen in our lives almost daily. As such the word that describes the paradoxical nature of human discourse must itself be vague enough to encompass the innumberable numbers and varities of such events.

Another way of saying this is... the word 'irony" is not a real word but an expression of the acknowledgement and of our acquiescence of our fate.

And that is the definition #1 of the term "irony".
I will be back in a jiffy with definition #2,
but now I must walk over to the grocery store
to buy a newspaper and a coke.