When I saw your lead for this thread, Millymax - "Which word describes me best?"- I was going to say "early-bird". It isn't even 5:30 in the morning yet, at least where I am.

One thing is certain. You are definitely a hyphenated person, Milly-max. There has to be a reason you parachuted into AWADtalk this week of all weeks. The theme of the week is "super-duper" ["airy-fairy", "hubble-bubble"] terms, you know.

But, seriously, "copywriter" is really a hyphenated word, if you think about it: "copy-writer". Now, who writes "copy" any more, Millymax?

Have you ever met a kid today who writes "copy"? Do you think they even know what "copy" is? [Apart from the usual copying that goes on during classroom quizzes, of course.]

So, I would say, Millymax, if you are serious about communicating who you are to your real audience [not just kids], it's time to ditch the "copy", doncha think?

And you're not a "technical writer" either. You are far too creative for that. Anyone can see that already. If you were a "technical writer", you wouldn't be a hyphenated person. "Technical writers" are monocular. You are definitely bi-nocular. You've got a head on your shoulders. "Technical writers" always have their head up their -- er* -- well, you know what I mean, Millymax.

So, why not do yourself a favor. Why not call yourself what you are. You-re a writer, and a hyphenated one at that. You're a damn-good writer! :)

* That not who they are, of course. It's just their job.