is there such a thing as a two quid note? or is it keeping company with"queer as a three dollar bill?" (there is a two dollar bill available in US currency, but not a three)

And of course, you all betray your posh childhoods. In 1960, when my grandfather fell ill, my mother packed the whole family off to see him (and left my father behind in NY) I remember farthings.. ha'pence, pence, tu'pence, thru'pence, six pence, and if i was very lucky a whole shilling! Bob's, and half bob's, crown's and half crown's, pounds and quids where terms-- but not money i'd see.

Curiously, my mother had totally forgot how to compute L/s/d, and relied on my elders sister and me...and for us it was double math-- since we then had to convert to US value. the Irish L was then worth about $5.40- to $5.60-

we were expected to (and did) tally up purchases mentally, and then converted the total to dollars.. I still remembered how to do it, 10 years later when in 1970 i went to England on honeymoon.. by my next trip, money had been decimalized, and third time, i was forced to deal with the metric system of measurement-- since no trip to england was complete with a buying some fabic... and while there is only a small difference between a yard and meter-- which is fine for a simple skirt, if you're thinking of buying 10 to 20 yards of linen-- then those 2.7 inches start adding up... and desiding whether or not it was a good buy was harder..but by then, i was working too, and had money to spent.