This might be fun to survey. Count up all your dictionaries--even include thesauruses and specialized lexicons--and report back here. It would be interesting to see how well-shelved our homes, offices, and automobiles are stocked with references. It would really be fun to see what our collective count is!

I think the OED should just count as one even though it's in volumes, unless you have the microscopic one in two volumes, I think. There's one of those microscopic ones up in the attic and, obviously, I never use it. Much too hard to read.

I'll report back on my own a little later.

27 here including a book of nautical terms and one vocabulary building volume. The most valuable one is my great grandfather's unabridged Webster's (1857). The most worn are the American Heritages and the Riverside Webster's (1987). I tend to pick up the Riverside Webster's because it is thorough, yet easy to use because of its size.

Wish list:

A copy of Dr. Johnson's
The Scrabble dictionary
(I'd trade my OED for a copy of Johnson's and the Scrabble dictionary!)