Wow states/asks: No! We are reduced to watching CSpan or listening to radio to find out is anything hapened overnight.
Do your folk publish on Dec 25?
I took a short car ride this morning -- and streets were deserted . You could tell the house where children live -- lights were on! ONE store open the 7-11 where I picked up the "necessary" I'd forgotten : cream for the coffee! Suprisingly even at 8 a.m. it was pretty busy.
Are we at the computer because we have no kiddies at home?

No, our papers figure there's no news in a fat man in an unlicensed sleigh being pulled by reindeer. It's happened before.

I'm taking the opportunity of a holiday to put a web site together. I'll be letting you all in on the url in due course ...

The idiot also known as Capfka ...