Mostly, people just look out for one another. Not a bad metaphor for life, eh?

That's one of the things I love about this island. Most everyone here does look out for one another and lends a hand when needed. Most people know or know of everyone else on the island. If Maria knows that Juan is on his way to work and she's just off to do some shopping, Maria waves Juan through even though she has the right of way and Juan has the stop sign. Many times you'll come across friends pulled up side by side having a chat, blocking the road. Nobody honks and the chatters finish their talk and move on in a matter of a minute or less. The attitude is that life is too short to get stressed. A minute here or a minute there isn't going to send the world spinning out of it's orbit. Rumor has it that a traffic light is being contemplated for a certain intersection. We fear that will only cause accidents!