American history buffs are also familiar with the Latin word ‘sic’ as being part of the declaration shouted to the audience of Ford’s theatre by John Wilkes Booth immediately after he shot President Lincoln in the back of the head: “Sic semper tyrannis!” Thus always to tyrants! (Anu may have already mentioned this in his AWAD email message, I can’t remember.)

Denizens of the state of Virginia also know “Sic semper tyrannis!” as their state motto.

Our own AnnaStrophic used the word ‘sic’ in the cleverest and funniest manner I’ve ever seen when she responded to a post by writing: “That was great … Made me litereally [sic] LOL!”

Of course, the “[sic]” is not mine.

The command to a dog to attack, according to AH, is also spelled ‘sic’. If one were to translate all of the Latin words in the sentence, “Sic ‘em, Fido!” into English, the command would be: “Thus ‘em, I Am Faithful!”