Slurp works very well. We use a variety of words to describe drinking: sip, quaff, taste, savor,absorb, belt, booze, consume, dissipate, down, drain, gargle, gulp, guzzle, imbibe, indulge, inhale, irrigate, lap, liquor up, nip, partake of, put away slake, slosh, slurp, soak up, sop, sponge, suck, sup, swallow, swig, swill, tank up, thirst, tipple, toast, toss off, wash down, wet whistle

These all came from an online thesaurus and do not begin to complete a list of words and phrases we find in English for consuming alcohol. We had a thread about this two or three years ago you could look up. One of my favorite, which I don't remember being discussed, was describing an inebriated person he has a bit too much of the drink taken, supposedly an Irishism though I never heard it during the time I was in Ireland.