Keiva speaking, under this name because the software does not accept my own. Please excuse me for interrupting to confirm what max said. I check this board periodically to assure that I am not referred to in a way that makes a response necessary, and until now my name had not been mentioned here for more than two years.

Max, you are 100% correct. You've expunged your posts from the time (thank you!), which makes it somewhat hard for you to defend them, but I am probably the one best-positioned to remember and confirm that you at no time used racist or ethnic insults – neither in your name nor in any other name I suspect to have been you. Whatever one may say about your comments about me, they were emphatically never racist.

I'll go further. Given the sad fact that there are anti-Semites in this world, it may be statistically inevitable that a board of this size will have people of that sort. But I saw remarkably few posters here whom I ever felt might be at all anti-Semitic (fewer than the fingers on one hand) – max not being among them. Also, even of those few who made comments that might perhaps be considered anti-semitic, only one person – who is not a prolific poster – ever directed such remarks personally at me.

Secondly, someone had ventured the thought, now deleted, that I might be the person who posts as plutarch. I can see that he is a [fill in pejorative term of your choice], but rest assured that I am not he (and have not posted here under any name since the shall-we-say "unpleasantness"). Your administrator, whose judgement you trust, can probably verify this for you by comparing our IP numbers. Frankly, it would be stupid of me to post here in plutarch's manner, for it would be entirely against the interest of my own board to stir up controversy with you AWAD folks.

Finally, I quite agree with nancyK that there is nothing to be gained by rehashing the past, but a great deal to be lost. For that reason, I much prefer not to respond to negative comments about me, however extreme or inaccurate they might be. As Capfka notes, "tact" is required. Jackie, I trust, would agree that kicking up that old hornets'-nest isn't in the interest of this board.

Thank you. All the best to you.