keiva threatened to sue anu too, not just jackie--and to, in effect shut down AWAD. it was an unpleasant time.

as for the alternate BB, it did have an active word thread for a while.. mostly it was Jo's interest she was engaged looking for USvsUK terms (we've had a few thread about about stoves vs cooker, and biscuit vs cookie or scone vs biscuit.) but mostly its chatty.. i check it out once a week or so, and rarely find anything worth commentary.. its a social calender as much as it is anything.. birthdays, wedding, births, moves (and since its private, home addresses and telephone numbers)jobs, love lives (or the lack there of), but hardly a place a place where people conspire!

don't forget, too, Keiva went off and started his own word board too--and i've heard its somewhat successful. no doubt plutarch could do the same if so minded. there are some who post here and on keiva's board. this BB is not the only word board, and yes, there are a core of old timers like myself, there are also many newer members.. (and many lurkers.. (hi nancy!) )

--as to the start of ill feelings, as i recall, keiva was called an a**hole or some such insult, it wan't anything racial or religious, just a crude comment. but i could be faulty in my memory.. i do recall the offending comment was removed, but that didn't really satisfy keiva..

since he had been behaving like a bit of a boor before the comment was made, i didn't quite agree with his anger--yes, it was rude, but it was deleted..i sort of saw both sides, and thought fault lay with both those involved--but i honestly don't remember who started it!

Keiva's behavior, before (and shortly after he left) was disturbing.. by that, i mean i had real reason to physically fear him. (yes, he lived in chicago, but there are planes.. and he hopped on one on one occation!)

as for me, i found my self welcomed here.. and still feel welcome here (and nearly fell of my chair at comment faldage made this week,) i still enjoy coming here, and being cheered up, with back handed compliments!

i miss Mav, and others who's lives have changed and they no longer post here..

i know i am sometimes cool to new posters.. i got attached to some who posted, and now, they are gone, and i am slow now to warm up to new posters.. i guess sometimes i don't want to get to know them, and have them disappear (as you did for a while, milo!) after i have developed a small affection for them. (there its out--i like you and your quirky post, milo, and missed you when suddenly stopped posting!)

i don't think i am alone in this behavior. but i don't think i am rude or unkind to any posters here, except when i am sorely provoked by repeated nastiness.