It was November 2000 when I first posted. In those four years I have asked questions, made comments, been teased and always informed. The patience people have shown this 75-year-old is greatly appreciated. When I was nominated as the Board's High Priestess (by AnnAS ?) and confirmed by The Great Anu with a lifetime appointment it was a great day! At present I am exchanging Private Messages with one newcomer who wants input to improve his English - and we have had delightful exchanges. (He is doing so well he will soon outstrip his mentor!)
This is not to say there hasn't been the occasional misunderstanding - but they have been quickly resolved because of the good nature of the contributors and the willingness to accept that printed words without benefit of spoken tonality are sometimes not "heard" as intended.
The AWAD Board is a place I come to warm my heart.
Blessings on you all.