Edit: Quote provided by themilum...

President Bush: "And we've been effective. We busted the A.Q. Khan network. This was a proliferator out of Pakistan that was selling secrets to places like North Korea and Libya. We convinced Libya to disarm. "

Take note grapho, Bush did not say "locked up". Wolf Blitzer said "locked up. And you, grapho, eagerly perpetuated the CNN spin.

Will you now please apologize to we good folk on this board?

Great idea, grapho, let's semantically dissect the debate last night. I'll go second...

What exactly did Kerry mean when he used the term " Global Test"?
As in...

John Kerry: "But if and when you do it, Jim, you have to do it in a way that passes the test, that passes the global test where your countrymen, your people understand fully why you're doing what you're doing and you can prove to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons."

Who, for god-help-us example, adjudicates this "Global Test"?
