Momma, momma, I finally got a job teaching people how to play the slots in Vegas. Yup, New (W)agerers.

I'm sorry, every time I see these things with all the highfalutin' language that returns a null content semantically I get really cynical.

"and her own great adventure is the exploration of inner space through the movement, healing and transformative arts"

What the HELL are the transformative arts?

"Inclusive Learning Construct allows multiple opportunities for the sharing of expression, the making of meaning, and transformational learning"

The making of meaning? Transformational learning? Bah humbug. These things just make my eyes glaze.

"The Museum will revisit Art Nouveau in the context of the exquisite beauty of the works and explore how the artists of the period accessed their subconscius and how the unconscious mind manifested itself in the works of art."

I would be unconscious after about two minutes of listening to this sort of drivel. Or at least wish I was unconscious. Why why why do we persist in trying to get into the "subconscious mind" of artists to try and figure out what they really meant? Enjoy the f**king art for its own sake and quit with the second-guessing.

I will admit though that some of the things seem very worthwhile and interesting. The closer the subject gets to the tangible world the better I can appreciate it. I guess you have to take in what interests you.