Wow, that is really cool! Thank you, Anna, for posting about it! Quite a line-up, they have. I'm sending the link to all my friends here. Wow--I imagine that anyone attending all or even most of the sessions would come out of there with their mind just fizzing with new thoughts.

One of the speakers is a "slam poet"...what the heck is that?

I thought this one was really neat:
MYSTICRHYTHMS...the Soka Gakkai International (SGI-USA) has a strong commitment to the realization of world peace through individual happiness. The goal of a group of diverse women who belong to SGI is to form bridges into communities to share our passion for cultivating dialogues of understanding, promote tolerance, and a sharing of cultures. As a drumming group they share mystical African beats of life with the audience and invite their involvement.
Pipe dream, but right up my alley.

Hey, ALEX--take a look!

Edit: missed this the first time through:
In the Alphabet Versus the Goddess Shlain explores the historical shift away from goddess worship and the overall political and economic subjugation of women and feminine values.His findings and insights which directly relate to many of the questions raised in the novel The Da Vinci Code...