choose one*:

a) [Scot] a fold in the skin, a wrinkle

b) a snap of the fingers

c) a small snail found in Central and South America

d) any of a variety of the iris genus native to New England, featuring showy yellow or purple blossoms

e) [acronym] Low Intensity Remote Photogrammetry

f) the hole in a donut

g) a small sucking insect that secreted a sugary cover (or test) over itself for protection

h) dessicated food; just add hot water and eat (from acronym LRRP; rations, used in Vietman by soldiers on "Long Range Reconnaisance Patrol")

i) an old Polish unit of measure, equal to 3.68 miles or 5.92 kilometers

j) [n] the noise made by frogs [v] to croak

k) a wind instrument used by the Ancient Greeks

l) (from Old English liripen, dross) the waste material that adheres to sandcast moulded metal products, usually removed with a brush before the metal has cooled

m) [slang] a monetary unit only redeemable at a company store


*a few of these seem quite... definitive; for all I know, there may be more than one correct answer.