Today I saw a group of schoolchildren playing outside. They had been divided into red and blue teams by means of pieces of cloth that fit over the head, then tie around the waist. As I looked at them, the word "pinnies" popped into my head: that's what they were called way back when I was in school. I hadn't thought of that word for decades, I am sure; I got to wondering about nostalgia making one's memory better. And then I got to...hang on, I'd better put my starting questions:
Did anyone else here wear "pinnies"?
Has anyone else ever had an experience of coming across something for the first time in a long time, and having a long-forgotten memory triggered? Hmm--better say word memory, I think.

Ok--then I got to wondering about nostalgia. Is nostalgia only used when we refer to happy memories? Because most of my school days were not all that pleasant.