I blame Don King. Or is it that I revere him?

Don King's elocution makes his hair stand on end.

It's too bad he can't fix his elocution as fast as he fixes his fights.

He has pretty much electrocuted elocution single-handedly with both fists flying.

If Don King could promote good english the same way he promotes his prize fights, his students wouldn't need a lawyer when they get hauled off to court.

They could beat the rap for themselves.

Don King promotes prize fights, but his fighters aren't the only ones who are taking a beating.

So is the english language.

If Don has anyone at ringside when this gets posted, I hope you will ring the warning bell.

I can take a dive as fast as anyone else, and Don won't have to pay me to hit the canvas.

Just kiddin', Don. My wings are clipped.