I'm sorry, but I just had to glory in the fact that we beat Pakistan. In a test. In a series. In Pakistan!!!! Hooray for England. Three cheers for Mike Atherton, the world's best slow batsman. Hip hip hooray for Graham Thorpe the reliable run-getter. And Hussain's a jolly good fellow! Let their names be writ large in letters of blazing metal upon megaliths to be placed around Lords. Let them be chaired around London and cheered through the counties. Let them even have a ticker-tape parade through the City.

(This from a fan of the country involved in the most famous bowling controversy of all time - Bodyline anyone?)

For those far removed from the hallowed precincts of cricket, let me say that England has, for the last five years been amongst the world's worst teams, but we have now won two Test Series' on the trot. And beating Pakistan, in Pakistan, is something England has only ever done once before, and an achievement that any test team (current Australia perhaps excepted) would be extremely proud of.