Jesse Sheidlower writes:

The final say is with John Simpson, the Chief Editor. But really, any editor with moderate training would be able to make the call. Usually these editors are with the New Words Group or the North American Editorial Unit, because they're the ones doing the vast bulk of new-entry defining.

I'm not sure what you're [sic!]... actual question is; I am the one who drafted the entry for yadda-yadda-yadda, and I was never an "eager young assistant lexicographer" at OED. (It still hasn't appeared.) So it's possible that _an_ entry might have gotten in on the say-so of an EYAL, but _this_ one did not.

Hope this helps.

editor's note: as with bling-bling and others, the news services got hold of the info that entries for some new words were being worked; and as Jessie says, they have yet to appear online. (they're currently publishing in the Ns.)

p.s. - in addition to a refresher on possessive pronouns, Jesse needs to be let in on use of the *leading asterisk for emPHAsis.