Um, yes we do. These French do anyway. You'll notice that there is a world of difference (perhaps the expression should be 'an ocean') between the Franch French and the Canadian French.
Bis is used to mean "repeat" in written song lyrics. Otherwise, bis means a kiss, i.e. "donne moi un bis" (give me a kiss).

I am familiar with "bise" /biz/ rather than "bis" /bis/ to mean a kiss (and of course "gros bisou" when you're talking to an infant).

As for the Québec use of "encore", I believe this is a regionalism influenced by English usage. My Petit Robert lists this usage for "bis" but not for "encore". It would not be the only case of a French word used in Québec and in English, but not in bon Français de France - cf "brassière".