The Big Ugly Senior High boys' basketball team defeated archrivals Sandy Hook last night in Charleston to claim the trophy in the boys' high school basketball tournament. In front of a largely Sandy Hook crowd, the B.U.S.H. Whackers shot an astounding 75% from the floor and outscored the Sandy Hook Worms 79 to 65. Big Ugly junior Junior Johnson was the leading scorer for the Whackers, with 23 points, while Sandy Hook sophomore Earl Scruggs III led the Worms with 18. Despite miserable free-throw shooting and the early foul trouble of junior forward Jimmy "Jim" James, the Whackers were able to silence the crowd with their dead-on outside shooting and maintain a solid lead. Commented a teary-eyed Sandy Hook cheerleader Donna Golightly, "Our boys couldn't seem to score a basket but those Big Ugly balls just kept sailing through the hoop." The score was even more lopsided as the buzzer soudned to end the first half, with the Worms trailing the Whackers 36 to 16. As the Big Ugly boys strutted to their locker room, the Worms crawled off the court with apparent dismay, despite the encouraging cheer from the Sandy Hook supporters "Sandy Hook, Sandy Hook, We Are It! S-H for 'Sandy Hook' I-T for 'It'!"

After the game Big Ugly freshman A.W. Sizemore commented, "When we first saw the crowd we were all intimidated, not only because of its sheer size, but because nearly everyone seemed to have Worms on their backs. But once the game got underway it didn't matter. I didn't get to play much 'cause I'm only a freshman, but I'm awfully proud to have B.U.S.H. on my uniform tonight." Fellow freshman Bobby Roberts agreed: "We're proud to represent our hometown to the folks here in Charleston, and we're looking forward to a real Big Ugly welcome when we get home."

B.U.S.H. coach Dannny Daniels announced to the gathered reporters that his boys "played with a lot of heart, and it was that Big Ugly spirit that led us to victory tonight." Pamela Panders, president of the B.U.S.H. Athletic Supporters Club, presented coach Daniels with the Big Ugly Spirit Stick, which was painted with the school's team colors of purple and lime green. Daniels posed with his stick for photographers and announced that he was looking forward to brandishing the Big Ugly Stick all over B.U.S.H. on Monday. As unhappy Sandy Hook fans filed out of the arena, Big Ugly boys and girls gathered at center court to sing the B.U.S.H. school song, "Our Big Ugly Alma Mater."

This year marks Big Ugly's first state championship since 1923 when Big Ugly senior Davey "Dave" Davidson led the Whackers to a 91-88 victory over the then-undefeated Minorsville Miners.