It's Lister's antiseptic spray, you know, and Archer's one of the carbolic-acid men.

Lister, of course, being one of the 'father's' of antiseptic medicine.

He devised a machine that filled the air with carbolic acid vapors, to sanitize it.. it's curious.. he knew 'germs'(micro-organizism) caused disease, but the theory of a miasma or 'bad air' causing diseases was so strong, Lister thought it best to 'sanitize the air' in a OR, to 'kill the germs' that lingered in the air from the 'breath' of the sick--(he also recommended sterilizing all surgical equipment, using carbolic acid, and washing with carbolic soap. (in the Oz presentation A Town Like Alice, about prisioners of war and civilian prisones of the Japanese in south east asian during WWII, the civilian women, at one point, recieve a red cross care package, and ooh and aah over a bar of carbolic soap.)

Listerine, is still based on an antiseptic he developed.