Amazon is still selling his books.

George Plimpton Adams

Born: October 7, 1882 in Northboro, Massachusetts
Died: 1961 in Berkeley, California
Ph.D. Harvard University: 1911
Retired: 1954

Major Works:
Idealism and the Modern Age (1919)
Man and Metaphysics (1948)
Competitive Economic Systems (1955)

Nature of Philosophy

George Plimpton Adams was an American philosopher whose work focused largely upon the nature of philosophy. Specifically, he believed that philosophers faced an insoluble paradox which threatened to undermine the very nature of their work: the most important issues which philosophers had to deal with were those which existed outside the boundaries of human knowledge. This left two basic options: criticize the philosophical writings of others or produce new writings that are dependent not upon reason but simply a romantic who derived everything from intuition.

Neither of these options are all that pleasant - but there is a third possible choice. What Adams advocated was the philosophers adopt the sort of idealism which had become relatively popular through the work of American philosopher Josiah Royce and accept that reality could not be known or understood with a great deal of precision and certainty. This sort of idealism provided philosophers with a great deal more room to operate than a much more restricted naturalism and pragmatism.