Dear Shanks: I had not hoped for such a pleasant reward for my quibbling. Your mention of "kelawalla" sent me searching.
Somehow I have difficulty believing you could in your miniature concentration camp successfuly expiscate the kelawallas described below:

S - As geddi kelawalla, Pihatu kelawalla, Kelawalla, Howalla;
T - Soccer, Kelavai.

Size: Maximum to 200 cm.

Habitat, biology, and fisheries: Pelagic, oceanic but often comes close to land and relatively shallow water; occurs above and below thermocline. Large schools together with K pelamis, most abundant tuna next to K pelamis; peak catches in monsoon period (May to September); trollingline, driftline; floating longline, and driftnets. Of major importance to fisheries; juveniles caught in pole-and-line with live bait; flesh excellent.