Thank you, Dr. Bill, not only for the link but for the information. I have often found myself stuck on a particular site page, with no idea of how to move forward or back. It never would have occurred to me to change something in the address, works! For your site, anyway.
And...just look at some of the amazing things it has:
KNOCKKNOBBLER Person who caught dogs
I love that word!
KISSER Person who made cuishes/cuisses [plate armour which protected the thigh] and high armour
LAETARE 4th Sunday in Lent
Is this Latin?
LANARY Wool store
LEDERER Leathermaker
I wonder if Richard knows?;-)
LONG SONG SELLER Person who sold popular songsheets on yard-long papers in the street
LOVE DAYS Days appointed in medieval times for the clergy to arbitrate and settle disputes, as they were supposedly `amicable' days