I used to hear a related one quite frequently many years ago. Supposedly "scientists" had proven that it was impossible for bees to fly. I don't recall where I read the debunking of this or what the specifics were, but it went something along the lines that someone had done a mathematical analysis of whether bees had rigid wings. The analysis, assuming the wings were rigid, proved that bees could not fly. However the conclusion was not that bees can't fly, but that their wings aren't rigid.

I think the SA comments about Gates were particularly stupid, however. Whenever I see someone making stupid comments like when they encounter someone who has made a mistake, I always think, "What political/religious axe does this bozo have to grind?"

Anyway, there's a new urban legend making the rounds since 9/11 about the Pentagon damage being caused by a missile. At first I thought it was a joke or that maybe these people were just trying to be rabble rousers. I'm pretty sure that at least some of them actually believe it.
