my classroom has 24 computers, all desktop models, that take up quite a bit of space. they are used primarily for music composition, giving the student immediate feedback as they compose. they have been upgraded a bit this year, so perhaps I can use them for on-line research for various music projects. my computer in the room, which is new, has programs such as oscilloscopes, and other tools that I use in my teaching.
as for an all-laptop classroom, I was unaware that current textbooks were available in a digital format. if so, I can imagine it would speed up the evaluation and grade-keeping for the teacher many-fold. it is likely that the teacher's computer has software which allows it to "see" each students' "desktop" individually. quizzes and tests would be automatically scored and the gradepoint average figured instantly. it would save a lot of time after school!
I would be very surprised, however, if any teacher would ever completely give up the tactile sensation of a well-made book.
playing the DA, did we have trouble with education when every student got their own textbook? used to be the teacher had the only copy... if there was a book at all...

formerly known as etaoin...