How long would it take a dull pupil to learn how to use a laptop? My guess would be, not long. All kids seem to have an aptitude for computers and video games, somehow. How many of the bright ones would use it constructively? Guessing again, I'd say probably most--but not all the time. With one teacher for forty pupils it would be a disaster. I don't think elementary classes are normally that big, but yes, I do think you have a point. I hadn't even thought about the fact that it might be difficult to make sure that the kids are all (heh) on the same page; or at least, that it might take extra time to ensure that they are.
My major concern stems from the fact that I learn things better if I can see them again and again. This can be easy to do with books; considerably more difficult with computers. But what I'd really like is some input from teachers...