I have and use a qwerty, but i know its not hard to learn to use the other kind.. i have used them in training rooms, and was halfway there (to decent touch typing) in a week.(i can, when consentrating, type about 45 WPM, but most usually type closer to 30WPM)-- word processors with autocorrect improve my speed!

I learned to drive stick 3 on the column, (or in the venacular,3 on the tree) then i got a got a car with 4 on the floor, and now i drive 5 on the floor.

It took about no time to 'learn' the new configurations each time. Yes, the pattern is simpler, and each but the first is really only an expandtion of of the others.. but its not hard.

i think was it much harder is the number pad.
telephone number pads were intentionally made the reverse of calculater keypads, since the early telephone swithches were still slow, and could handle 'demon dialing' at first.

it especialy a pain with numeric based passwords... bank ATM's have 1 in upper right, like a telephone, but keyboards have 7 in upper right!