For a number of reasons I can't attend any WAPs outside Oz.

Prime among these is the cost of travel within and ex Australia. Because the prices are simply ridiculous, the average Strayan such as I only manage one or a few family trips overseas per lifetime. Putting business trips aside, the rule we seem to have adopted is if one goes, everybody goes, thereby quadrupling the cost. Maybe things will change once the kids are off our hands and I'm in my dotage.

Perhaps the only exception would be Bali. For us Sand Gropers it's closer than the eastern capitals of Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and considerably cheaper as a holiday destination than travelling interstate.

THANKYOU to Jackie and the other WAPII attendees for your postcards from the Emerald Isle; I will treasure them. It is a good feeling when you know 'virtual' friends are thinking of you on the other side of the world.
