Re:tiny amounts of selenium that are essential.

but contrary wise, selenium (the old main 'ingredient' of xerox photorectors,) is also a poison! only trace amounts are needed, too much, and it is like any other heavy metal --a neuro poison!

selenium natually has the property of holding an electric charge if it is keep in the dark- like a photographic plate, that 'gets exposed' with light, the selenium was charges in the dark, exposed by reflected light, and the dark areas of the image (text) remained 'charged' these were then exposed to negitively charged 'ink', and the image was then transfered to paper. arsenic, and other heavy metals also act as photorecptors, selenium is the best.

parts of California's golden valley has naturally occuring high levels of selenium in the soil, and this land is not suitable for farming! (most of US selenium is found in california.

modern laser printers use the same technology, (a photorecptor, and laser light to expose the image) but they use synthetic polymers as photorecptors.