re:both are casa in Italian. hard to understand the difference

a house is a building.. built for residence. you can see any number of house's, it is a generic word.

home is the place were i live, (notice, i didn't say a home- since home is specific. it my house, but more than that, it is where i am most comfortable or secure.

-a daughter is a girl child (of any one) my daughter is a specific person, some one i love..
a house is generic building, my home is the place where i live. my home is not just any house, it is the specific house that hold my things, that figures in my memories.

a good hostest makes her guest feel 'at home'- as comfortable at her house as they would feel in their own home.

i understand the two words are rare... (most languages just use one) but i suspect the emotions are universal.

the expression "a man's home is his castle" starts to capture some of the emotion. a small shack, or single room, that is yours, that is part of your memories, is more important to you, than some one else's grand mansion.

(mind you, human's are fickle, and should i recieve several million dollars, i would have no trouble learning to love a grand house and to make it my home!)