"Vegetarian Food is quite common in India & usually comprises Rice, Bread, Dhal (Pulses), Vegetables, Curd, Pickle & other add ons. So many times it also include some sweets."

pulse 1 8
5ME pous < OFr < L pulsus (venarum), beating (of the veins) < pulsus, pp. of pellere, to beat: see FELT16
1 the regular beating in the arteries, caused by the contractions of the heart
2 any beat, signal, vibration, etc. that is regular or rhythmical
3 the perceptible underlying feelings of the public or of a particular group
4 a variation, characterized by a rise, limited duration, and decline, of a quantity whose value normally is constant; specif., a) Elec. a brief surge of voltage or current b) Radio a very short burst of electromagnetic waves
pulsed, puls4ing to pulsate; throb
1 to cause to pulsate
2 to drive (an engine, etc.) by pulses
3 Elec. to apply pulses to
4 Radio to modify (an electromagnetic wave) by means of pulses

pulse 2
5ME pous < OFr pouls < L puls (gen. pultis), a pottage made of meal or pulse, prob. < Gr poltos < IE base *pel3, dust, meal > L pollen, pulvis6
1 the edible seeds of peas, beans, lentils, and similar plants having pods
2 any leguminous plant