don't miss Jesse! here's a sample of his style, an answer to a question put to him about the difference between a couple of those rhetorical terms that get mentioned here so often:

The most important thing in any discussion like this is the fact that
most rhetorical terms aren't defined quite as precisely as one would
want or expect. I've always been interested by them, and I remember
in college going to a professor of mine, the chairman of the classics
department, to ask about some subtle distinction between two terms,
and he basically laughed and said that it was completely irrelevant.

That said, in _my_ understanding, _apophasis_ is actually saying
something specific while denying that you are going talk about it
(e.g. "I won't mention the fact that Representative Smith has been
supporting three children from adulterous relationships"), while
_paralipsis_ (in various spellings, or _pr(a)eteritio(n),_ which is
the same thing with a totally different name_) is the implication of
something more serious by deliberately concise treatment (e.g.
"I don't have time to mention Representative Jones's other faults.")