>"The man, who came into the office the other day, is here again."
"The man that came into the office the other day is here again."
Is any of the above two sentences written wrong?


These sentences are quite different; they vary because of what the speaker intends.

In the first, the speaker makes an assumption that the listener knows who the man is, and is adding some additional information. Compare to "George, who came into the office the other day, is here again." The speaker has, for some reason, decided you need to know that George was in the office the other day. Otherwise, he would just say, "George is here again."

In the second sentence the speaker is assuming that the listener needs the information about when the person came in the office the other day in order to identify him. Compare to: "The George that came into the office the other day is here again." There is an implication that the listener knows several Georges and the speaker wants to make sure the listener has the correct one in mind.