Certainly. Here in Aurora we have a small company of housecleaners, all of whom are retired cops, and, so far as I know, all of them male except one. Bonding a retired cop is a lot less expensive than bonding someone off the street so to speak.

We had one of these guys cleaning our house for several years, and he did a great job. Then we just drifted back to doing it for ourselves, NOT as successfully, mind you.

You would think, now that I am home full time I would have a clean home. HAH! With two or three projects all going at the same time, it's impossible. Yesterday at 8 AM I started ripping up the floor in Sasha's room. By half past twelve I had completely replaced the floor with new laminate flooring and had even started replacing the moulding. But that required moving everything out of the room, which created gargantuan messes everywhere else. I could not believe one child of five could have so much s--t in her room. Under her bed I found a stack of at least 40 books, guarded by about twenty beany babies of sports figures.

She greeted the new room with one request, "You didn't throw away my books, did you?"

Peggy says we're going to have to teach her to type so she can start participating here. The other day at dinner she said, "May I be excused? I want to go be incorrigible." Still haven't figured out where she picked that up.