On a tangent - (Ha!) - Donkey's years ago I ran a hotel. At that time (1950s) it was common to leave a tip for the chamber maid. Usually a dollar for a weekend.
Nowadays it is one dollar for each night... left on the pillow to signal it is for the maid. I always do it for the reason Jackie mentioned - maids are usually working for minimum wage. Then, if the maid gives me extra service I leave a few dollars at the end of an extended stay (a week or more) as at a resort.
The last time I stayed at a hotel (four nights) the maid told me I was the only one on her floor who left a tip. I was amazed!
Now, am I alone in this tipping thing ? (Even if I am I intend to keep up the custom.)
I am interested in your comments.
OK! One-Two-Three- GO!