You used to could say the same thing about stewardesses or nurses. The former needed a name change.

I have it on good authority, from a colleague who had some part of his medical training in the Phillipines, that, in a majority of missionary hospitals there, female nurses are called, 'Sisters' and the male nurses are, 'Brothers'.

And yes Jackie, it is indeed hard to conjure up a male version of a maid. It seems to me, that the closest term that could apply to both sexes, is as mentioned above, servant. I personally, hate that word; it is to do with all its connotations, I suppose. I have read of male servants or man-servants, but don't know of one specific word.

Housekeeper is somewhat more managerial isn't it? It isn't quite the nuts and bolts job of a maid. The male version would be a butler, I suppose. Which reminds me of a wonderful film, 'The remains of the day'. Marvellous film. The book is an engrossing read too.