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Thought of the Moment

The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. -Paul Valery, poet and philosopher (1871-1945)

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Sundays Premedical Snit
Sundays Premedical Tins
Sundays Premedical Nits
Sundays Declaimer Pints
Sundays Reclaimed Pints
Sundays Declaimers Pint
Sundays Centralised Imp
Sundays Credentials Imp
Sundays Interlaced Imps
Sundays Credential Imps
Sundays Calipered Mints
Sundays Imprecated Nils
Sundays Medicare Splint
Sundays Predicates Limn
Sundays Predicate Limns
Sundays Medicinal Strep
Sundays Spermicidal Net
Sundays Spermicidal Ten
Sundays Disclaimer Pent
Sundays Identical Perms
Sundays Identical Sperm
Sundays Misplaced Inter
Sundays Misplaced Inert
Sundays Misplaced Niter
Sundays Misplaced Nitre
Sundays Iceland Permits
Sundays Displace Minter
Sundays Pandemic Tilers
Sundays Pandemic Litres
Sundays Pandemic Liters
Sundays Pandemics Liter
Sundays Pandemics Litre
Sundays Pandemics Tiler
Sundays Pandemics Relit
Sundays Impacted Liners
Sundays Discrepant Lime
Sundays Discrepant Mile
Sundays Pedantic Milers
Sundays Distance Prelim
Sundays Distance Limper
Sundays Calmed Pristine
Sundays Placed Interims
Sundays Placed Minister
Sundays Clasped Mintier
Sundays Clasped Termini
Sundays Clasped Interim
Sundays Scalped Mintier
Sundays Scalped Termini
Sundays Scalped Interim
Sundays Decamps Lintier
Sundays Pranced Elitism
Sundays Pranced Limiest
Sundays Scanted Imperil
Sundays Decants Imperil
Sundays Descant Imperil
Sundays Canted Imperils
Sundays Decant Imperils
Sundays Disclaim Repent
Sundays Mercantile Dips
Sundays Mescaline Dript
Sundays Lemniscate Drip
Sundays Replicates Mind
Sundays Replicate Minds
Sundays Reenacts Limpid
Sundays Empirical Dents
Sundays Empirical Tends
Sundays Implicates Nerd
Sundays Implicates Rend
Sundays Implicate Nerds
Sundays Implicate Rends
Sundays Malice Sprinted
Sundays Misplace Tinder
Sundays Reclaim Stipend
Sundays Miracle Stipend
Sundays Claimer Stipend
Sundays Metrical Spined
Sundays Metrical Sniped
Sundays Malices Printed
Sundays Pelicans Mitred
Sundays Replica Mindset
Sundays Caliper Mindset
Sundays Calipers Minted
Sundays Spiracle Minted
Sundays Replicas Minted
Sundays Particles Mined
Sundays Particles Denim
Sundays Particle Denims
Sundays Recitals Impend
Sundays Articles Impend
Sundays Recital Impends
Sundays Article Impends
Sundays Miscreant Piled
Sundays Miscreant Plied
Sundays Cinemas Tripled
Sundays Amnesic Tripled
Sundays Canister Limped
Sundays Canister Dimple
Sundays Scantier Limped
Sundays Scantier Dimple
Sundays Certain Dimples

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