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Anagrams for: iridescent

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Thought of the Moment

Nothing more strongly arouses our disgust than cannibalism, nothing so surely unmortars a society; nothing, we might plausibly argue, will so harden and degrade the minds of those that practise it. And yet we ourselves make much the same appearance in the eyes of the Buddhist and the vegetarian. We consume the carcasses of creatures of like appetites, passions, and organs with ourselves; we feed on babes, though not our own; and the slaughter-house resounds daily with screams of pain and fear. -Robert Louis Stevenson, novelist, essayist, and poet (1850-1894)

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Enticed Sir
Enticed Sri
Deicer Snit
Deicer Tins
Deicer Nits
Decries Tin
Decries Nit
Deicers Tin
Deicers Nit
Discrete In
Discreet In
Recited Ins
Recited Sin
Decent Iris
Iced Nitres
Iced Sinter
Iced Insert
Iced Niters
Iced Inters
Dice Nitres
Dice Sinter
Dice Insert
Dice Niters
Dice Inters
Incited Res
Dicier Tens
Dicier Nets
Dicier Nest
Dicier Sent
Cinder Ties
Cinder Site
Discern Tie
Cinders Tie
Rescind Tie
Cried Inset
Cried Nites
Cried Stein
Cried Tines
Cider Inset
Cider Nites
Cider Stein
Cider Tines
Dicer Inset
Dicer Nites
Dicer Stein
Dicer Tines
Riced Inset
Riced Nites
Riced Stein
Riced Tines
Ciders Tine
Ciders Nite
Dicers Tine
Dicers Nite
Credit Sine
Direct Sine
Dices Nitre
Dices Inert
Dices Niter
Dices Inter
Edicts Rein
Edict Reins
Edict Resin
Edict Risen
Edict Siren
Edict Rinse
Cited Reins
Cited Resin
Cited Risen
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Cited Rinse
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Indict Seer
Disc Entire
Niece Dirts
Nieces Dirt
Entices Rid
Entice Rids
Cerise Dint
Recites Din
Recite Dins
Ice Tinders
Citrines Ed
Inciters Ed
Inciter Eds
Citrine Eds
Incites Red
Incite Reds
Icier Tends
Icier Dents
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Iciest Rend
Cities Nerd
Cities Rend
Nice Stride
Nice Direst

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