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Anagrams for: Omelas

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Thought of the Moment

Be kind to thy father, for when thou wert young, / Who loved thee so fondly as he? / He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue, / And joined in thy innocent glee. -Margaret Courtney, poet (1822-1862)

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44 found. Displaying all:
A Moles
Ale Oms
Lea Oms
Male So
Lame So
Meal So
Aloe Ms
Ales Om
Leas Om
Sale Om
Seal Om
Mesa Lo
Seam Lo
Same Lo
La Some
Also Em
Also Me
Laos Em
Laos Me
Ma Oles
Ma Sloe
Ma Sole
Ma Lose
Am Oles
Am Sloe
Am Sole
Am Lose
Sam Ole
Mas Ole
Sao Elm
As Mole
A El Oms
A Elm So
A Ole Ms
A Em Sol
A Me Sol
A Ems Lo
La Em So
La Me So
Ma El So
Am El So
As El Om
As Em Lo
As Me Lo

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