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wok (wok) noun

A pan with a convex base, used for frying, etc.

[From Cantonese wohk (pan).]

Here is a picture of a wok.

"And if you think this is just a flash in the wok, listen to the euphoria creeping into fund managers' views."
Francesco Guerrera; Asia Set For More Euphoria; Financial Times (London, UK); Sep 19 2003.

"Rinse in a colander, then quick fry in very hot oil in a wok with a pinch of salt and a minced garlic clove."
John Kessler; 100 Ways to Fill Your Cart; The Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Aug 28, 2003.

Every time you put a dollop of "ketchup" on your fries, you may be referring to Cantonese, the possible source of the word. Although traditionally regarded as a dialect of the Chinese language, Cantonese is different enough to be considered a separate language. They are about as common as, say, French and Italian.

The word Cantonese derives from the name of Guangdong Province in South China. The Cantonese language is spoken in many parts of the world, including Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in southern China, Hong Kong and Macao, many countries in Southeast Asia and in Chinatowns of major cities in countries such as US, Canada, and Australia. As I'll be visiting Hong Kong later this week, where it is an official language (along with English), I've collected Cantonese words that are now part of the English language. Look for five such words this week.



No man can be called friendless when he has God and the companionship of good books. -Elizabeth Barrett Browning, poet (1806-1861)

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