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Oct 18, 2000
This week's themeSemordnilaps, or words that spell other words when reversed This week's words avid debut ogre strop nonet Many ways to read AWAD o Email o Web o Twitter o RSS feed o On your own website Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargstrop
strop (strop) 2. A flexible strip of leather or canvas used for sharpening a razor.
verb tr. [Middle English strope, band of leather, probably from Old English, thong for an oar, from Latin stroppus, twisted cord, from Greek strophos, from strephein, to turn..]
"He absently sharpened his razor along a leather strop for several
moments, gazing into the middle distance."
X-BonusEveryone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes. -Edgard Varese, composer (1885-1965)
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