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A.Word.A.Day--stilePronunciation: WAV or RealAudiostile (style) noun 1. A set or series of steps for crossing a fence or wall. 2. A turnstile. [Middle English, from Old English stigel.] A vertical member of a panel or frame, as in a door or window sash. [Probably from Dutch stijl, doorpost, from Middle Dutch, possibly from Latin stilus, pole, post.] "After about two miles the canal joins the river, and you climb a stile and walk on to the sea." Caroline Dilke, A man, a plan, a canal - all strictly for the birds, Independent, 22 Nov 1997. "A wise choice is to order a mid-rail option on stile and rail doors." Grant O. Young, Making an Entrance, AS&U, American School & University, 1 Dec 1997. This week's theme: words with slightly different spellings from some everyday words.
X-BonusWar is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; and multiplies, instead of indemnifying losses. -Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) [The New Dictionary of Thoughts]
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