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A.Word.A.Day--stick-in-the-mudPronunciation: WAV or RealAudiostick-in-the-mud (stik-in-thuh-MUD) noun One who lacks initiative, imagination, or enthusiasm. "Leninetz is forward-looking: it began diversifying away from arms in 1988. But its example is being copied by stick-in-the-mud firms in the city." Hoppe, Kathryn, Success dressed as failure, Vol. 325, Economist, 12-05-1992, pp 10. Idioms are colorful expressions peculiar to a particular language or locale whose meaning cannot be literally derived from their component words. They can add spice to informal conversation or writing and impart a warm, hearty feeling. Use this week's phrases to impart earthiness to yours. -Anu
X-BonusSign in obstetrician's office: Pay As You Grow. -The American Flint
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