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A.Word.A.Day--smarmyPronunciation: WAV or RealAudiosmarmy (SMAR-mee) adjective 1. Hypocritically, complacently, or effusively earnest; unctuous. 2. Sleek. [From smarm, to smear.] "But `weasel' lives on as a synonym for that subspecies of Hollywood gentry, the entertainment industry executive, conjuring up a whole host of smarmy tassel-shoe traits." Richard Conniff, You can call him `cute' or you can call him `hungry', Smithsonian, Feb 1997. This week's theme: words to describe people.
X-BonusThe artist must raise the cup of his vision aloft to the gods in the high hope that they will pour into it the sweet mellow wine of inspiration. -Paul Brunton
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