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A.Word.A.Day--priapeanPronunciation: WAV or RealAudiopriapean (prie-uh-PEE-uhn) also priapic (prie-AY-pik, -ap-ik) adjective 1. Of, relating to, or resembling a phallus; phallic. 2. Relating to or overly concerned with masculinity. [From Priapus, the god of procreation, guardian of gardens and vineyards, and personification of the erect phallus in Greek and Roman mythologies.] "Possibly the dirtiest American-made motion picture that has ever been legally exhibited, with Priapean detail that might well have embarrassed Boccaccio." John Lyttle, Controversy is a trick of the trade, (quoting Time magazine's review of the movie Baby Doll) Independent, 8 Jun 1996. This week's theme: eponyms.
X-BonusMusic is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing. -John Erskine
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