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A.Word.A.Day--pompadourpompadour (POM-puh-dor) noun A hairstyle where the hair at the front is brushed up into a mound or a roll, above the forehead. Also known as quiff. [After the Marquise de Pompadour, the title of Jeanne Antoinette Poisson (1721-1764), mistress of Louis XV of France, who popularized the style.] Elvis Presley had a pompadour, so does Kim Jong Il. "Gil, who added extra colour with his pompadour hairpieces and red suits, was in sixth and last spot in voter surveys." Anti-Arroyo Pact Falls Through in Philippines; Manila Bulletin (Philippines); Mar 16, 2004. "The bridegroom wears a Hawaiian shirt. The bride is wearing a tasteful cream-colored suit. The celebrant is wearing an iridescent blue sports coat and sunglasses; his hair is combed into a pompadour." Jane Glenn Haas; Sin City is Also the Wedding Capital of the World; Seattle Times; Feb 18, 2004. This week's theme: eponyms.
X-BonusHome is not where you live but where they understand you. -Christion Morgenstern, writer (1871-1914) |
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