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A.Word.A.Day--pied piperPronunciation: WAV or RealAudiopied piper (pied PIE-puhr) noun 1. A person who offers others strong yet delusive enticements. 2. One, such as a leader, who makes irresponsible promises. [After The Pied Piper of Hamelin, title and hero of a poem by Robert Browning.] "No team had promised to come here, but suddenly (Jerry) Clinton was being hounded to get out. At such a time, the Pied Piper tootled up Plan B. Clinton did take action, pursuing teams to move here. But with no vocal supporters, he kept piping up in his own defense. A Pipe Dream Still in Reach, He Won't Cave in, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Aug 30, 1994. This week's theme: eponyms.
X-BonusTo love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. -David Viscott
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