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Today's Word

Yesterday's Word




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parol (puh-ROL) noun

A spoken statement.


Expressed orally.

[From Middle English parole, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin paraula, from paravola, from Latin parabola, from Greek parabole, from para- (beside) + bole (throwing), from ballein (to throw).]

Today's word "parol" is often mistakenly used in the sense of "parole". Both are legal terms. The former is derived from the latter, but "parole" has a more specific meaning. When a prisoner is released on parole, he is literally being let go on his word of honor (parole d'honneur). -Anu

"The Appellate Court went on to say that `Whether the mains are real or personal property is relevant since in general title to real estate cannot be transferred by parol but can only be transferred by a writing.'" Dan Kucera; Are Mains Real Property or Personal Property?; Water Engineering & Management (Des Plaines, Illinois); Aug 2000.

"When a grant had been made by parol the witnesses were sought out by the sheriff and returned upon the jury." Henry Hallam; History Of Europe During The Middle Ages; 1818.

This week's theme: words from the world of law.


Nature uses as little as possible of anything. -Johannes Kepler, astronomer (1571-1630)

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